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The Peek game is designed to help people think about the near future. It provides a glimpse of a future world shaped by people, entities, events, facts and feelings. Using these storytelling elements, players report on their visions of what the future could be, trying to be both convincing and also creative and entertaining. It was recently featured in the SpeculativeEdu projectโs blog and upcoming book on speculative design projects for education.
Peek was originally inspired by Evan Raskobโs experiences teaching speculative futuring and future design at the Royal College of Art in London. Future thinking workshops use frameworks like scenario planning to come up with realistic stories that can help decide future policy, inspire new designs for products and services, and help us prepare for uncertainty.
These storytelling methods have been used by experts to think through the important issues of our time, and beyond. One problem is that they can take days to properly explore the complexities of current and future events. The challenge was to help people even start to understand the complexity of both the present and the future through storytelling, over a single session.
Structured storytelling games, designed with specific research and pre-loaded with story elements, might be another solution. This event explores how one such framework, Peek, might be used by experts to start some meaningful conversations about the near future. Hopefully, these conversations will help start wider dialogues about what the future can and will be, and inspire the next generation of structured storytelling systems.
A speculative science fiction game by Dr. Evan Raskob
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